Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What is a Blog?

What is a blog? When I ask this, I guess I should say ''What is MY blog?''. Well, I can't answer with anything original. I guess I'll go with a generic answer.
My blog will be about me. My life. My experiences. I don't expect one person to ever read this post. And I don't expect one person to ever read any of my posts. What I expect, and what I will get, is reassurence. Reassurence about my sanity. Reassurence about me NOT being completely alone in everything I do, everything I think.
I guess this whole blog will answer questions. And my first question isn't so easy. As I said above, this blog isn't meant for an audience. It isn't meant for a laugh track or even a lousy 'clap, clap'. What I'm trying to say is, this blog is for me.
I don't want criticism, nor do I need it. Do I want opinions? Yes, I welcome them with excitement. To discuss different views is a great thing, and I would love to join the debate, or even initiate it.
If you choose: Read my blogs, my opinions. Comment, express yourself. And follow my posts if you'd like. 
I welcome you, the unexpected reader, to my blog. :)

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