Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Love You.

 It's been about a week since I posted. It's been about about a week since I've  felt anything. From sadness to anger -- nothing.
 I recently told someone I loved them. And they didn't respond. I've never in my life experienced that. Loving someone, I mean. I can't explain with words how much I loved, and still love, her. She was what I thought about constantly. She was in my dreams, in my reality. And I thought she felt the same way.
 I don't know where to go from here. I haven't seen her since that night, which is strange as we live in the same building. Part of me wants to see her. To see how she's doing, how she's getting along. But part of me is afraid to see her, because I don't know how I, or she, will react. Will I run up and talk with her? Or will I pretend not to notice her? I guess it's best I not think of it. Maybe I can just forget the past I had with her. Ha, impossible.
 I still don't know where we stand. After confessing my feelings to the only person I've ever loved, I got no response. No 'I love you, too'. I left the bed and strolled out of her apartment. She saw my eyes, my tears. Nothing else was said; the only sound being the door closing behind me. I stood outside of her room for at least 10 minutes. Tracing the number on the door, I realized that it was 2 in the morning and that I should go. I walked down the stairs, ignoring the 'Hello'  from a passing tenant, and opened my door.
 I haven't done much since. Work. Eat. Sleep (or lack there of). I haven't even picked up my school books. And since classes are suppose to start back next week -- that's not the best for my studies. Oh well.

Fuck it. I'm going to go sleep. Better than dealing with these feelings. Shit.

1 comment:

  1. so sorry to hear about that :(
    i kno its hard, but just try not to think about it too much

